Alliance Française Bruxelles-Europe

About us

Who are we?

Founded in 1945, the Alliance Française Brussels-Europe is a Belgian non-profit association that promotes the French language and French-speaking cultures. It carries out its activities without any political, religious or ideological consideration. The Alliance Française Brussels-Europe has built its action and its reputation on the quality of its teaching and training, in a multicultural environment favoring exchange, respect and conviviality to build a plural and diversified world. Located in the heart of Brussels, in the European district, and near the Royal Park, the institution welcomes more than 6 500 students of over 55 different nationalities each year within its 2000m2 facilities accessible to people with reduced mobility. Our classrooms are dedicated to the French language! The Alliance Française Brussels-Europe is at the heart of the largest cultural network in the world, bringing together more than 800 institutions in 131 countries and led by the Fondation des Alliances Françaises, its main partner.

French courses, but not just that

The three main missions of the Alliance Française Brussels-Europe are : 

  • To offer excellence in French-language education to all audiences and for all types of needs by qualified native French teachers using high-quality facilities and multimedia tools. 
  • To promote cultural diversity and increase awareness on French-speaking cultures. 
  • To develop partnerships with other local organizations and cultural institutions sharing the same values of solidarity and tolerance in the service of interculturality. 

A word from the Director

"It is an Alliance where our learners like to meet, to socialize and to establish links for many of them, newly arrived and settled in Brussels. We have French lessons here, but also coffee, we plan a cultural outing and we exchange useful information.

Our institution is dynamic, our teams are attentive and our projects are innovative and resolutely focused on building a future of solidarity, diversity and multiculturalism. 

The AFBE is not just an institution but a French-speaking experience to be lived and values to be shared.” Violaine Dupic

Our team

Our staff is at your service every day to make your experience at the Alliance Française Brussels-Europe unforgettable! We use our knowledge and experience to provide you with high-quality service in our four main areas of expertise. The team consists of 70 to 80 permanent and independent teachers, pedagogical and cultural experts and a dozen of administrative staff. Our teachers are qualified and specialized in the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language (FLE). They are closely involved in the thoughts and innovations in the field of FLE and benefit from our continuous training plan. Several of them collaborate in the design of pedagogical tools used by teachers throughout the world thanks to our partner TV5monde.

Reception and Customer Relations

Customer relations and reception officer
Christopher Rodriguez

Technical coordinator officer
Jimmy Paillié

French courses

Pedagogical manager
Sandrine Gassier

Permanent teachers
Angélique Launois, Florence Louis

Exam & certifications

Certification Officer
 Virgilia Chamberlain


Cultural affairs officer
Jennie Jousset

Communication & Marketing

Communication & Marketing Officer
Valentine Izambert

Course administration

Customer relations officer
Raya Oumalek

Administrative manager for courses and exams

Mathilde Hubert

Administrative and accounting management

Human Resources, Finance and Accounting
Michèle Uytterschaut

Administrative Officer
Naguisa Matsushita


Violaine Dupic

Deputy Director
Romy Saint-Denis

Members of the Executive Committee

The AFBE’s status as a non-profit organization allows it to benefit from the knowledge and support of an active Executive Committee comprised of volunteers who are committed to the values of the French-speaking world. President : Mr Jacques de Baenst   Former ambassador for the Kingdom of Belgium Vice President: Mr Georges Dal Treasurer: Mr Thierry Leroy Secretary: M. Jean-Jacques Deleeuw

The AFBE's institutional partners

The Alliance Française Brussels-Europe has established many partnerships in Brussels, Belgium and France. Six of them are essential to the accomplishment of its missions, thanks to the annual and continuous support they provide :

Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI) is the organization in charge of the international relations of Wallonia-Brussels. It is the instrument of the international policy conducted by Wallonia, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the French Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region. 

The French Embassy in Belgium is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic to the Kingdom of Belgium. It is located in Brussels, the capital of the country, and its ambassador is, since 2021, H.E. François Sénémaud. 

The Alliance Française is a French organization whose objective is to promote the French language and French culture outside France. 

The International Organization of Francophonie implements multilateral Francophone cooperation in the service of 88 states and governments.   

TV5MONDE, in addition to being a news channel, is a provider of educational resources for the FLE class, created from authentic documents (reports, broadcasts, interviews, infographics, songs, clips etc.).  

At the heart of an active European network

The Alliance Française Brussels-Europe is a member of EUNIC Brussels, a network of European cultural centers in Brussels. 

Privileged partners

Campus France
Institut Français
France Éducation International