Global Exam DELF/DALF and TCF

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Practice online for the DELF-DALF or TCF exams

Take unlimited tests on the online platform available 7 days a week for 1 month or 3 months.

2025 Pricing:
1-month access: 45€ (product available from January)
3-month access: 85€

Register now
  • Adult
  • 3 months
  • E-learning
  • From A1 to C1
  • Accès 1 mois 45€ - Accès 3 mois 85€
Ados soutien scolaire

Practical information

Put all the chances on your side! The “Global Exam” platform prepares you for the DELF/DALF and TCF exams and is flexible, adapting to your needs and availability.

Practice for the different components of: listening comprehension, speaking, reading comprehension, and writing.


  • Mock exams: assess yourself under real exam conditions and discover your score;
  • Corrected exercises: practice, learn from your mistakes, and improve quickly;
  • Personalized learning paths: choose the path tailored to your goal and stay motivated;
  • Progress tracking: monitor your progress in real time up until exam day;
  • Activation delay: once purchased, the license may take 24 to 48 hours to be activated.


Sign up to start preparing for your DELF / DALF or TCF exam!

Why learn French with us?

The expertise of French as a Foreign Language

Take advantage of quality teaching, innovative and labelled Alliance Française which allows you to receive teaching from the worldwide network of Alliances Françaises.

Our teaching expertise

Immersive, inclusive and cultural learning of French

A taste for learning French also includes immersion in Belgian, French and wider Francophone cultures.

By joining the Alliance Française Brussels-Europe, you will have privileged access to our digital media library and to a multitude of exclusive cultural events!


An internationally recognized examination center

Wish to validate your French skills officially? We set up the DELF diploma and the Test de Connaissance en Français (TCF), and value them thanks to official and recognized exams.

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Modern premises in the heart of Brussels

Our premises are located in the European district in a pleasant, modern, well-equipped classrooms with comfortable furniture. We guarantee that you will learn in the best conditions possible!

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Latest update on 08.08.2023
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